All going well here, with the lovely pups growing well and becoming much more mobile.
They have been outside today and yesterday for a short while each day - this has given me the opportunity to give the box a good clean out and freshen up before they come back in again. They haven't been terribly keen on the routine, but this will get better as they get used to this. I haven't been to worried about their dislike, it's always a bit difficult when the weather isn't as warm. The weather looks to be dry, and we might even get some sun over the weekend so hope to continue with this for now.
Weaning has continued, and they are now on three feeds which will increase to four over the weekend. The food hasn't been blended to the same degree as at the start and this has been tolerated well with them all. Water has been added to the whelping box now that weaning has begun, and is a constant battle to keep the box dry as they tend to walk straight through it wetting everything in the box. The pups are obviously doing well on the food as Tilly has turned her nose up at food offered to her this week, those that know Tilly will know how significant this is!
Feeding time - table manners improving, but need to work on the paddling! |
Normal home routines are continuing and as the pups are growing they're becoming more aware of what is happening around them.
Yes, you carry on vacuuming, we'll just wait till you've finished till be go back to sleep! |
Pippi & Jack