Friday, 7 November 2014

Stitch Removal

Today Tilly had her stitches removed and a check up at the vets, this was organised for tomorrow but we rearranged for today.  The wound has healed nicely, and Tilly was more than happy for the stitches to be removed.  Initially she was quite excited to be going out in the car, but when we were waiting to be seen she became quite anxious.  Thankfully they had agreed to see her at the start of surgery, and we were able to wait out of the way of the other animals until she was seen.  She was so pleased to get back to her pups, who didn't even realise that she'd been away.

The nails on the pups have been growing, and they can be razor sharp if they are allowed to get too long.  Today was the first day for us to clip the nails, all done at the same time as the weighing and a joint effort between us to make it all quick and stress free.

1 comment:

  1. So glad Tilly has done so well - what a wonderful mum she is !


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