Apologies for not posting, it's been a really busy week and complicated with ill children. All getting back to normal now, although Christmas is looming now....
Well these pups are certainly little individuals now! It's much easier to distinguish them all, which is good as they are rapidly outgrowing their collars now.
They are now on four meals a day, and have got used too the daily routine of meal times. They aren't as bothered now with having a top up from Tilly after each meal, however Tilly is as keen as ever to clean up after the pups. As a result of Tilly not feeding them as she was a week ago her food has decreased and her exercise increased too. She has been enjoying coming out and about again with the other dogs, and it's great to see her getting her fitness back.
The weather has been dry but cold, so still limited on when they go outside. Today was lovely sunshine so they had about an hour outside in the run on the patio. They were much happier and had a play with the toys that had been put out for them. The other dogs were able to say hello to them and the pups enjoyed watching them come and go. When it was time to come in they were allowed to have 5 mins on the patio with the other dogs, all were more than happy to engage with them as long as they didn't try to suckle from them!
The girls have made some fleece tuggies for the pups - saves them trying to chew each other! |
Tuggy or tail??? |
Great to have a good climb on mum |
and she's so patient |
We sleep in some odd positions |
and practice our roaching |
and fall asleep eating |
Is that Buffy climbing on top of Tilly? They all look even more adorable and I'm sure they will be getting into mischief soon ����